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Pandemic Monitoring

No monitoring is necessary at the moment - this site is not in use.

This site is for you to indicate whether you are well or ill during the current pandemic.  If we do not get a response from you daily, or you tell us that you are ill, then someone will get in contact with you.

Once monitoring becomes unnecessary a message will be posted on this page.

You will be asked to log in with your Single Sign On credentials (email credentials)

If you have problems logging on and need to speak to someone please call the College Lodge: 01865 277777.

If you require advice the following resources are available:

NHS 111

Telephone '111' for non-urgent medical support from the National Health Service. During a pandemic this service may be overloaded.

Emergency 999

Telephone '999' to summon an ambulance, police or fire brigade. Only for emergencies where an urgent response is essential.

Medical Advice

A 999 call should only be made in a genuine emergency. To ensure seriously ill and injured patients are treated as quickly as possible, people whose call is not serious should consider other healthcare options rather than calling 999. Do however listen to Government advice on whether you should leave your home, as moving in public places may risk infecting others.

OU Pandemic Information

Information about the risk status within the University with further information and advice.

Balliol's Pandemic Policy

Balliol's Pandemic Policy outlines what is done and when.